Block Coding and Scratch Module
Block Coding is a visual programming tool that uses blocks or pictures instead of regular text or complex coding artifacts. Each block represents a command or function that joins blocks in sequences of instructions. It makes coding simpler by focusing on basic ideas instead of complicated details.
Scratch is a block coding interface that lets students create digital stories, games, and animations. It promotes computational thinking and problem-solving skills, creative teaching and learning, self-expression and collaboration, and equity in computing. The concepts learned in Scratch also apply to other lessons, such as Micro:Bit. Visit the Scratch Website to sign up and start coding!
Activity 1: Programming Language in Scratch: A Tool For Storytelling Presentation introduces coding with Scratch and helps navigate the interface. It teaches programming motion, looks, sounds, events, controls, operations, variables, blocks, and sensing. The presentation also mentions control structures, conditionals, loops, and some tips on integrating Scratch in the classroom.
Activity 2: Scratch Presentation by Brandy Retasket helps set up a Scratch Education Account and implement Scratch in the classroom. Also included are ideas for Scratch activities, inspirational resources, Scratch tutorials, and examples of student work.
- Group Activity Instructions
- Scratch Scavenger Hunt is a great way to introduce students to Scratch.
- Introduction to Scratch Lesson Plan
- Sample Rubric to aid in grading Scratch Projects.
Activity 3: Coordinate Plane and Scratch Lesson helps teachers model canvas coordinates and create event scripts along X and Y axes in Scratch. Teachers can also model drawing lines that represent the X and Y axes and calculating the distance between two points.
Activity 4: Block Coding Implementation (by Abbi Coy and Carissa Willey from Purdy) shows examples of Scratch and Micro:Bit in middle school classrooms.
Activity 5: Pinnguaq Video Tutorials on Scratch.
Activity 6: CS First has several coding lessons on many topics. These range in difficulty, so that teachers can choose activities appropriate for their students' skill levels. The website also provides tips and videos about joining a coding community and supporting students.
Here are three 45-90 minute Sample Scratch Lessons:
Move to advanced coding concepts
Introduction to Alice Presentation provides an introduction to Alice, a block-based drag-and-drop programming software used to create animations, build interactive narratives, or program simple games. The presentation helps teachers build a new world, add and place objects, create an event, and add variables or parameters. It also mentions conditionals, functions, methods, and loops.
Advanced Alice Presentation provides detailed instructions for creating a place in Alice and offers several ideas and strategies for implementing Alice in your classroom. The activities in this presentation require skills learned in the Introduction to Alice.
Contact Dr. Razib Iqbal at for questions about Block Coding.