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November 2024
Using Drones in CODERS Classrooms (PowerPoint by Brook Remerscheid, Max Schuman, and Millie Thompson-Krug from Shell
Knob Schools) shows how to use drones to teach.
Block Coding Classroom Implementation (by Abbi Coy and Carrisa Willey from Purdy Middle School) shows how two teachers
have used block coding and Micro:Bit in their classes.
Quick Start Guide (by Holly Neal and Brooke Remerscheid from Hollister Middle School) is a living document
with teacher-made resources about Scratch and Micro:Bit.
Cross Curriculum Implementation (by Kali Howe and and Ashley Akins from Buffalo Middle School) shows how teachers
have implemented CODERS lessons across the curriculum.
Summer 2024
Scratch Presentation and Group Activity (by Brandi Retasket from Hollister Middle School) helps set up a Scratch Education Account and implement Scratch in the classroom. Also
included are ideas for Scratch activities, inspirational resources, Scratch tutorials,
and examples of student work.
CODERS Bootcamp Presentation (by Dr. Iqbal from MSU) includes instructions for activities using Scratch, Micro:Bit,
Cutebot, and Robot Dogs.
Introduction to Microbit Presentation and Lesson Plan (by Jennifer Jackson from Logan-Rogersville Elementary) provides an overview of all
of the components that make up a Micro:Bit and includes instructions for students
to sign up for MakeCode Classroom.
Family Involvement with Microbit Presentation (by Yolanda Salas, Waynesville Elementary) seeks to gain parental support and enthusiasm
for their children learning to code, by making it accessible and fun with students
expressing their creativity and learning via designing their own game, rules, and
dice for a Family Game Night Activity.
Setting Up MakeCode Classroom and Using Cutebots (by Jennifer Jackson from Logan-Rogersville Elementary) helps teachers navigate Micro:Bit
MakeCode Classroom, including information such as how to start a session for students
in the platform and edit code if needed, how to access student code projects, how
to use the dashboard, how to save activities, and tips on how to structure Micro:Bit
lessons for students.
Career Connections Presentation (by Abbi Coy from Purdy Middle School) includes a PowerPoint links to videos and an activity that introduces students to
a variety of computer science and coding careers.
XGO Robot Dog Presentation (by Abbi Coy from Purdy Middle School) introduces students to complex Robot Dog problems. Poses challenges for students to
solve but does not provide answers. Instead, it encourages students to find their
own by exploring the link on the final slide.