Meet the CODERS
- Ashley Akins, Buffalo Prairie Middle School
- Jennifer Austin, Neosho Middle School
- Tracey Blaue, Spokane Middle School
- Sarah Cable, Seymour Elementary School
- Riquelme Chaves, Wood Elementary
- Abbi Coy, Purdy Elementary
- Morgan Emerich, Ava Elementary
- Jan Everett, Shell Knob Elementary
- Tara Farquhar, Hollister Elementary
- Cheyenne Friend, Neosho Middle School
- Stephanie Fuller, Exeter Middle School
- Sarah Goss, Skyline Elementary
- Jess Harley, Skyline Elementary
- Doug Hepler, Jarrett Middle School
- Mary Hepler, Clever EleMiddle School
- Lisa Hicks, Buffalo Prairie Middle School
- Kali Howe, Buffalo Prairie Middle School
- Heather Huck, Hollister Elementary School
- Gara Ipock, Mountain Grove Middle School
- Jen Jackson, Rogersville Middle School
- Elizabeth Merrill, Neosho Junior High
- Amanda Miller, Purdy Elementary
- Brooke Miller, Shell Knob Elementary
- John Moore, Neosho Junior High
- Morgan Loftin, Ava Elementary
- April Nash, Ava Elementary
- Kathryn Picard, Willow Springs Elementary
- Rebecca Picard, Mountain Grove Elementary
- Yolanda Salas, Freedom Elementary
- Max Schuman, Shell Knob Elementary
- Brandon Smith, Neosho Junior High
- Leslie Stillings, Ava Middle School
- Millie Thompson-Krug, Shell Knob Elementary
- Carissa Willey, Purdy Elementary
- Ashley Akins, Buffalo Prairie Middle School
- April Britt, Ava Middle School
- Sarah Cable, Seymour Elementary School
- Abbi Coy, Purdy Elementary
- Jan Everett, Shell Knob Middle School
- Sonia Fanning, Neosho Junior High
- Cheyenne Friend, Neosho Junior High
- Stephanie Fuller, Exeter Middle School
- Doug Hepler, Jarrett Middle School
- Mary Hepler, Spokane Middle School
- Lisa Hicks, Buffalo Prairie Middle School
- Kali Howe, Buffalo Prairie Middle School
- Heather Huck, Hollister Elementary School
- Gara Ipock, Mountain Grove Middle School
- Jen Jackson, Logan-Rogersville Middle School
- Addy McCord, Marshfield Shook Elementary
- Elizabeth Merrill, Neosho Junior High
- Brooke Miller, Shell Knob Elementary
- John Moore, Neosho Junior High
- Holly Neal, Hollister Elementary
- Rebecca Picard, Mountain Grove Elementary
- Karen Quiñonez-Hernandez, Carthage Middle School
- Brandy Retasket, Hollister Middle School
- Amanda Ritter, John Thomas School of Discovery
- Aleth Rogers, Norwood Junior High
- Yolanda Salas, Freedom Elementary
- Max Schuman, Shell Knob Middle School
- Leslie Stillings, Ava Middle School
- Wendy Thompson, Ava Middle School
- Millie Thompson-Krug, Shell Knob Middle School
- Mackenzie Warzel, Purdy Elementary
- Angela White, Buffalo Prairie Middle School
- Carissa Willey, Purdy Elementary
- Matt Barker, John Thomas School of Discovery
- April Brit, Ava Middle School
- Abbi Coy, Purdy Middle School
- Sue Duckworth, Delaware Elementary
- Jan Everett, Shell Knob Middle School
- Sonia Fanning, Neosho Junior High
- Stephanie Fuller, Exeter Middle School
- Jennifer Givens, Delaware Elementary
- Rhonda Grumadas, Mountain Grove Middle School
- Frank Hebert, Neosho Junior High
- Mary Hepler, Spokane Middle School
- Wendy Hill, Marshfield Shook Elementary
- Angie Howard, Neosho Middle School
- Kali Howe, Buffalo Prairie Middle School
- Nicholas Hurd, Shell Knob Middle School
- Gara Ipock, Mountain Grove Middle School
- Jennifer Jackson, Logan-Rogersville Middle School
- Jessica Jenkins, Dallas County Mallory Elementary
- Zoe Keeler, Exeter Middle School
- Addy McCord, Marshfield Shook Elementary
- Elizabeth Merrill, Neosho Junior High
- John Moore, Neosho Junior High
- Holly Neal, Hollister Elementary
- Brandy Retasket, Hollister Middle School
- Amanda Ritter, John Thomas School of Discovery
- Aleth Rogers, Norwood Junior High
- Yolanda Salas-Flores, Freedom Elementary
- Leslie Stillings, Ava Middle School
- Millie Thompson-Krug, Shell Knob Middle School
- Carissa Willey, Purdy Elementary
- Carey Wolf, Dallas County Mallory Elementary
- Taylor Blakenship, Logan-Rogersville Middle School
- Tammy Blaylock, Neosho Junior High
- Levi Boettler, Neosho Middle School
- Valerie Conaway, Verona Elementary School
- Abbi Coy, Purdy Middle School
- Jacque Curly, Marshfield Middle School
- Ashley Evans, Marshfield Middle School
- Jan Everett, Shell Knob Middle School
- Stephanie Fuller, Exeter Middle School
- Jennifer Givens, Delaware Elementary School
- Jennifer Goins, John Thomas School of Discovery
- Jennifer Jackson, Logan-Rogersville Middle School
- Frank Hebert, Neosho Middle School
- Mary Hepler, Spokane Middle School
- Kali Howe, Skyline Middle School
- Nicholas Hurd, Shell Knob Middle School
- Jennifer Jackson, Logan-Rogersville Middle School
- Kevin Jackson, Forsyth Middle School
- Addy McCord, Marshfield Elementary School
- Holly Neal, Hollister Elementary School
- Jason Nocknunas, Highlandville Elementary School
- Brandy Retasket, Hollister Middle School
- Amanda Ritter, John Thomas School of Discovery
- Yolanda Salas, Freedom Elementary
- Mariah Sheppard, Mountain Grove Middle School
- LeAnn Struckman, Republic Middle School
- Lisa Thiesen, Dallas Country R-1 Schools
- Brenda Thompson, Skyline Middle School
- Wendy Thompson, Ava Middle School
- Melody Whitehead, Verona Junior High
- Tamie Williams, Neosho Junior High
- Carey Wolf, Dallas County R-1 Schools
- Lance Yarbro, Purdy Middle School
- Misti Yocum, Verona Junior High