CODERS Cutebot Module

Cutebot Image


Cutebot is a programmable smart machine that introduces students to block coding and robotics. You can purchase a Cutebot from the ELECFREAKS Website or via Amazon.

Cutebot can be programmed with Micro:Bit. Programming Cutebots allows students to practice block coding and see its effects in the physical environment. This practice gives students first-hand programming experience and shows them that digital work can have physical effects. Use the materials below to help your students use Cutebot.

Activity 1: Cutebot Line Tracking Lesson (Dr. Razib Iqbal at MSU. Modified for middle school by Jennifer Jackson at Logan-Rogersville Middle School)

  • Shows how to program Cutebots to follow a path. Each Cutebot comes with a figure-8 paper track, which can be used with this lesson.
  • For those who want custom Cutebot tracks, electrical tape or black tempera paint make lines that Cutebots will follow.

Activity 2: Cutebot Distance Lesson (Dr. Razib Iqbal at MSU. Modified for middle school by Jennifer Jackson at Logan-Rogersville Middle School)

  • Shows how to measure the effects of friction on Cutebot movement.

Activity 3: Cutebot Instruction Manual (Elecfreaks)

  • Published by Cutebot manufacturer Elecfreaks, this manual covers Cutebot basics: a parts-list and set-up guide.
  • It also has fifteen “instructional cases.” Each one poses a problem for Cutebots and explains solving that problem.

Activity 4: Cutebot Obstacle Avoidance 

  • Shows how to program Cutebot to avoid obstacles.

Activity 5: Remote Controlled Cutebot

  • Shows how to program a Micro:Bit into a remote control for Cutebot.  
  • Provides step-by-step programming instructions. 

Contact Dr. Razib Iqbal at for questions about Cutebots.