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OWP is a lively, collegial community that offers resources and programs for deepening your knowledge about the teaching of writing, opportunities to grow as a writer, and ongoing support to realize new projects and initiatives. As a partner of OWP, you will have opportunities to expand your role as a leader in your district. Our teacher-consultants shape and carry out all of OWP’s work: Summer Institute, embedded professional development, conferences, youth programs, research in the classroom, special interest groups, and more.

We are seeking strong classroom teachers, school principals, and other educators who desire to help students become better writers, promote equity for all students, and take on leadership responsibilities in the ongoing work of OWP.

Ozarks Writing Project (OWP), a collaborative project between CWCCC and the National Writing Project (NWP), is part of a network of sites housed at colleges and universities across the country that serve teachers of all disciplines and grade levels.